

【特価品】TAMIYA つなわたり人形セット【31】


420 JPY (462 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are... details

【特価品】TAMIYA 「カチコチ」ラッコ工作基本セット【5】


1,320 JPY (1,452 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are... details

【特価品】DOYUSHA ボンバード (回転式大砲)【10】


1,500 JPY (1,650 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are... details

【特価品】HOPPIN HYDROS 1/6 2輪 カスタム クルーザー ローライダー ローライダー バイク 自転車モデルキット【5000】


3,600 JPY (3,960 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are... details

【特価品】inTech 1/72 メッサーシュミット Bf 109G-6【T37】


780 JPY (858 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are... details

【特価品】ARK MODELS 1/72 マイルズマジェスター Mk.I イギリス練習機【72019】


840 JPY (924 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are... details

【特価品】Revell 1/32 ベル ジェットレンジャー【4479】

CODE: GHD-Rev-04479

2,340 JPY (2,574 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are... details

【特価品】MONOGRAM 1/48 ユンカース Ju 88C-6 夜間戦闘機【5970】


3,600 JPY (3,960 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are... details

【特価品】SWORD 1/72 スピットファイア Mk.XVIe [ローバック]【72068】

CODE: GHD-Swo-72068

2,500 JPY (2,750 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are... details

【特価品】SWORD 1/72 FJ-3M フューリー【72109】

CODE: GHD-Swo-72109

3,000 JPY (3,300 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are... details

【特価品】SWORD 1/72 RF-84F サンダーフラッシュ パート1【72116】

CODE: GHD-Swo-72116

3,800 JPY (4,180 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are... details

【特価品】SWORD 1/72 RF-84F サンダーフラッシュ パート2【72117】

CODE: GHD-Swo-72117

2,700 JPY (2,970 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are... details

【特価品】SWORD 1/72 TBM-3S/アベンジャー AS.4 対潜攻撃機【72130】

CODE: GHD-Swo-72130

3,700 JPY (4,070 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are... details

【特価品】SWORD 1/72 TBM-3R アベンジャー 海上輸送機【72132】

CODE: GHD-Swo-72132

3,700 JPY (4,070 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are... details

【特価品】SWORD 1/72 FJ-2 フューリー【72138】

CODE: GHD-Swo-72138

3,000 JPY (3,300 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are... details

【特価品】SWORD 1/72 FJ-3/3M フューリー【72139】

CODE: GHD-Swo-72139

4,800 JPY (5,280 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are... details

【特価品】DECARLI model 1/72 ゼンエア CH-601 軍用タイプ リミテッドエディション レジンキット【No.3】


1,800 JPY (1,980 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are... details

【特価品】Classic Air Frames 1/48 ハインケル He-51ドイツ空軍【4143】

CODE: GHD-Cla-4143

5,280 JPY (5,808 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are... details

【特価品】WASAN 1/350 中国人民海軍 052型 駆逐艦【7】


960 JPY (1,056 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are... details

【特価品】ZVEZDA 1/200 WW.II ドイツ軍 輸送機 ユンカース JU-52 1932-45【6139】


600 JPY (660 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are... details

【特価品】ESCI 1/72 ベトナム戦争 北ベトナム軍兵士 フィギュア 50体セット【229】


1,200 JPY (1,320 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are... details

【特価品】LINDBERG 1/48 イギリス ジェット戦闘機 ホーカー ハンター【2211】


1,920 JPY (2,112 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are... details

【特価品】HELLER 1/72 WW.II ドイツ軍 ユンカース JU87 B-1 スツーカ【80388】


960 JPY (1,056 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are... details

[Bargain]Azur 1/72 PZL.24 A/C Turkish Air Force[A102][Cant return or exchange]


1,520 JPY (1,672 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are missing. *No return... details

[Bargain]Azur 1/72 PZL P.11f In Rumania[FR0023][Cant return or exchange]


1,890 JPY (2,079 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are missing. *No return... details

[Bargain]Amodel 1/72 Yak-50&Yak-52 Flieger Revue aerobaric team[72179][Cant return or exchange]


2,020 JPY (2,222 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are missing. *No return... details

[Bargain]Amodel 1/72 De Havilland D.H.60X[72285][Cant return or exchange]


1,620 JPY (1,782 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are missing. *No return... details

[Bargain]Amodel 1/72 MBB Bo-105CBS-4[72355][Cant return or exchange]

CODE: GHD-Amo-72355

1,680 JPY (1,848 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are missing. *No return... details

[Bargain]Amodel 1/72 Yak-50[7269][Cant return or exchange]

CODE: GHD-Amo-7269

1,320 JPY (1,452 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are missing. *No return... details

【特価品】RSmodel 1/72 プラガ E-241【92045】

CODE: GHD-RSm-92045

1,680 JPY (1,848 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are... details

【特価品】RSmodel 1/72 プラガ E-241 ルフトバッフェ【92047】

CODE: GHD-RSm-92047

1,680 JPY (1,848 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are... details

【特価品】RSmodel 1/72川崎 キ-61 日本陸軍 三式戦闘機 飛燕 I型丁【92145】

CODE: GHD-RSm-92145

1,680 JPY (1,848 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are... details

【特価品】RSmodel 1/72 Yak-11/C-11 ムース 2座席練習機 チェコスロバキア/ハンガリー/ポーランド/マリ【92166】

CODE: GHD-RSm-92166

1,800 JPY (1,980 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are... details

【特価品】RSmodel 1/72 川崎 キ61-I 丙【92180】

CODE: GHD-RSm-92180

1,800 JPY (1,980 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are... details

【特価品】KPmodel 1/72 パイパー L-4H/J【KPM0043】

CODE: GHD-KPm-0043

1,380 JPY (1,518 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are... details

【特価品】KPmodel 1/72 ソッピース トライプレーン 「フランス」【KPM0184】

CODE: GHD-KPm-0184

1,200 JPY (1,320 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are... details

【特価品】KPmodel 1/72 ソッピース ドルフィン 「スペシャルマーキング」【KPM0274】

CODE: GHD-KPm-0274

1,500 JPY (1,650 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are... details

【特価品】AVI MODELS 1/72 デ・ハビランド D.H.83 キウィ フォックス・モス ニュージーランド【72007】


3,300 JPY (3,630 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are... details

【特価品】AVI MODELS 1/72 L-19E/O-1E/O-1G バードドッグ アジア上空【72019】


2,400 JPY (2,640 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are... details

【特価品】Fly 1/72 アームストロング ホイットワース ホイットレイ Mk.I-II【72004】

CODE: GHD-Fly-72004

3,300 JPY (3,630 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are... details

【特価品】Amodel 1/72 セスナ YH-41 セネカ ヘリコプター【72366】

CODE: GHD-Amo-72366

1,500 JPY (1,650 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are... details

【特価品】TAMIYA スチレンカッター【7084】


360 JPY (396 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are... details

【特価品】Revell 1/600 宇宙大作戦 クリンゴン バトルクルーザー D7【4881】

CODE: GHD-Rev-04881

4,800 JPY (5,280 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are... details

【特価品】SWORD 1/72 AD-4W/AEW.1 スカイレーダー【72126】

CODE: GHD-Swo-72126

2,900 JPY (3,190 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are... details

【特価品】SWORD 1/72 TBM-3S2 アベンジャー 対潜攻撃機【72131】

CODE: GHD-Swo-72131

3,700 JPY (4,070 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are... details

【特価品】Classic Air Frames 1/48 B-57B キャンベラ【4130】

CODE: GHD-Cla-4130

6,840 JPY (7,524 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are... details

【特価品】TESTORS 1/72 ダグラス F4D-1 スカイレイ【940】


1,200 JPY (1,320 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are... details

[Bargain]Amodel 1/72 De Havilland D.H.60C Cirrus Moth[72280][Cant return or exchange]


1,620 JPY (1,782 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are missing. *No return... details

[Bargain]Amodel 1/72 De Havilland D.H.60T Moth Trainer[72284][Cant return or exchange]


1,620 JPY (1,782 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are missing. *No return... details

[Bargain]Amodel 1/72 Yak-18T[72303][Cant return or exchange]


1,880 JPY (2,068 JPY inc tax)
In stock
This is a bargain item. Please check the following notes before purchasing. *It is an outlet item. *There are times when parts are missing. *No return... details